Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Toddler Time 

Count With Me was our theme today!

Two of my little library friends came to count with me today! 
Thanks "J" and "R"! I had a great time with you!

We started our day with the story Ten Little Puppies. The puppies in this book leave the group one-by-one. This gave us the practice of counting back from 10-1.  We also pointed out the letter and
 Tt and did a lot of counting.

 Next we recited the rhyme One, Two, Buckle My Shoe!   Then we sang the song, There Were Five in the Bed.  We did this one a couple of times while we moved and marched around in a circle.

My friends took turns matching the numbers in our book to the ones I wrote on the whiteboard. Once they found the matching number they circled it and we practiced saying the name of the number and thinking about what our mouth does at the beginning of each word. (ie: our teeth are together when we say 'Nine').  "R" loved taking his turn circling the numbers and was quite accurate for his matching!  "J" is great at seeing the sticks and curves/circles in numbers and letters!
Our activity was making number cards. Each child worked with their adult to put the number of stickers on the corresponding number. 

I shared with the adults the importance of the spacing of the dots so that the child could easily see where each dot was to aid in accurate counting.

  I also shared how to help their child use their "pointer" finger to one -to -one match when counting.  This is a skill they will use in reading and math.    
We ended with the book One Spotted Giraffe.  Both boys LOVE coming up and opening the flaps in our books. They are working on taking turns and are very respectful of each other.  We got to do more counting as we read as well as practicing how we say each number.

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